SCS vs. Microservices

The SCS approach shares a lot of concepts with microservices, including ideas about enforcing isolation via independently deployable units, the alignment of organizational and architectural boundaries, support for diversity in terms of technology choices, and the lack of centralized infrastructure. If you’re willing to see this as the core of microservices, you could view SCSs as a specialization. But compared to some other aspects seen by many people as key attributes of microservices, there are some important differences:

Of course it is possible to split an SCS even further so it consists of microservices — in particular for the business logic. In this case, this can be seen as a particular micro-architecture approach.

SCS clearly focus on larger projects and a split into multiple teams. Microservices can be used for other purposes: Often small teams or even single developers use them e.g. to use Continuous Delivery more easy, to build more robust systems or to scale each microservice independently. So microservices are more versatile while SCS solve problems specifically with the architecture and organisation of large projects.